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2023 Trail Maintenance by NIATV Association

Larry May | Published on 9/13/2023
Another year of Trail Maintenance has gone by. The Volunteers completed work on Trails 800, 800A, 800B, 999, and 1516. These are in good to excellent shape except for the portion of 800 NE of the warming Hut which has sections that are partially brushed in. Brush work was done on this section of 800 but was not completed in 2023. This will be the main priority for 2024 to complete the brush clearing. Other work planned for 2024 is touch up on Trail 999 and other sections of 800.. Trail 3094 May also get some touch up work.

Thanks to the Volunteers Jeff Arhers, Dennis and Jeannie Falconer, Brent Lewis, Makenak Long, Larry May, Bryan Powers, Steve and Bev Powers, Keith Putnam, Rick Schrader, and Glenda and Joe Winters for Volunteering to perform Trail Maintenance, help review the new Forest Service Trail Maintenance Contract, and becoming Forest Service Chain Saw Certified.

NIATV Association and other Clubs need Volunteers to help keep the Trails open.
